Expo Media develops Individuals, Teams and Organizations in order to create alignment for strategy, corporate culture and core values, leadership and teamwork, business comprehension, and, most important of all, the customer contact. With this alignment we believe Individuals, Teams and Organizations are more effective and creates tangible results.
Our programs are always adopted to the needs of our client. It is all about being close to everyday matters.
Our training methods are very interactive which makes it highly engaging and instructive—not to mention fun for participants.
From the start Expo Media has been working in a process-oriented way and developed a way of working that ensures development with our customers. During the years we have developed several effective tools that we like bricks can put together with existing bricks from our customer. With this we can build something great together.
First, we must know where we are and where we want to go.
- You might be very interested in where you are and where to go
- You might have the answer but is interested if everyone else is onboard and aligned with your quest
- You might be interested where in the process you need to put your focus
In this step we work with analysing or verifying the picture that is needed to have the right input for future steps. This step could be used as a stand-alone at anytime to create basis for future decisions.
As a second step for true alignment we must create Awareness and Desire for everyone involved.
- What are we doing?
- Why are we doing this?
- What is my role in this?
- What happens if we don’t do this?
- Do I want to be a part of this?
In this step it is important to get everyone involved to create an understanding and commitment around above questions. We very often use our own developed Business Games in this stage to create a common understanding of the overall picture and business impacts.
With Awareness and Desire, we are ready to move on and build Knowledge.
- Does everyone involved have the knowledge required in order to reach where we want to be?
In this step we very much look at the potential training that is needed and we can offer a wide spectrum within Leadership, Sales training and Business Acumen through our self and with our partners.
With Awareness, Desire and Knowledge we are ready to look at Ability
- Does everyone involved have the Ability needed to reach where we want to be?
- Does the time, equipment, right priorities exist?
That we know why, what and how is just not enough for things to happen if the prerequisites are not in place. This might need to be secured through workshops, coaching and one – one meetings.
To stay aligned in our quest, processes for Reinforcement must be in place.
It is just to easy to fall back into old routines and ways of doing things, especially if there no reinforcement or reinforcement is done according to where we wanted to go yesterday. In this stage we often work with our own developed leagues looking at: It is important to do what we have said we would do.........This is the Key to Success!