Atlas Copco

The Atlas Copco Group is a global industrial group of companies headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Revenues for 2010 totaled 69.88 billion SEK. The Group employs more than 33,000 people. The company manufactures products on 68 production sites in 20 countries.


In the fall of 2010, the Parts & Services business within Atlas Copco’s Mining and Rock Excavation business area was  entering a significant change process with the goal to increase revenue supported by seven strategic projects globally. Expo Media was asked to support the performance process by creating engagement and commitments.

Expo Media´s mission:

When the 25 largest Atlas Copco sales companies met for the first time in Örebro, Sweden, Expo Media was engaged in connection with a five day meeting called “The difference that makes the difference”. During the days we created:

– Understanding of the drivers of profitability as well as an understanding of the effect of the implementation of the seven strategic projects. This was done through a training exercise which was built on a IT business simulation created by Expo Media.

– Action plans and individual commitment on how to implement the seven strategic projects and how to reach the double revenue in three years. This process was made clear through a drill down process, going from the overall targets into concrete individual actions.

– Connecting the individual action plans to the regular business follow up process through the Atlas Copco “Major League”- competition.

– Each strategic project owner was coached by Expo Media in how to communicate the importance and the critical success factors of their project to the global organization.

– Documentation concluding each meeting for the rest of the organization. This documentation has been used for communication in the Atlas Copco organization.

The overall theme was “The difference that makes the difference”, meaning the importance of doing what we say we will do. Expo Media was responsible for the overall structure and to create performance through engagement and commitment.

Ongoing process:

The partnership has continued where Expo Media still supports the performance culture within the organization. The largest sales companies are meeting on a regular basis with ongoing activities in between in order to move closer to significantly increase revenues in the coming years. Expo Media has participated with structure and tools during these meetings and supporting the business follow up process through:

– An updated version of the “Major League” focused the double revenue goals

– A board simulation aimed towards the sales companies around the world with the goal to support the sales companies to communicate the goals with the rest of the organization.

Andreas Malmberg, President Atlas Copco Mining and Rock Excavation Service Division